This is a sponsored post on behalf of Shipt. All opinions are my own although they may be medication induced. 😉
Under the weather? Or just crazy busy? Press the easy button with Shipt, a home delivery grocery service and bookmark this soup recipe for sick days.
Ugh. The last few days have been the worst. I don’t know what I have – a cold, a sinus infection, the flu… whatever it is, it’s got me down. Down and out. My head hurts, my throat hurts. My whole body aches. I have a fever, I’m congested, and just so not me.
Having been stuck in bed with my laptop and the Roku was quaint for the first day. Now well into day 4, it just plain bites. On the plus side, I have discovered quite a bit of reality TV that I didn’t know existed. Now on Season 2 of Catfish, I can safely say I am soooo glad I’m not dating anymore. Phew!
My appetite has been the pits, but the one thing that I need when I’m sick is noodle soup. That along with OJ, animal crackers and oatmeal. Unfortunately, my stock on these pantry items only lasted through day 2. And I have not had the energy to go grocery shopping.
Fortunately, I realized I could use Shipt, a home delivery grocery service. Once you sign up for a membership and download the Shipt app (iOS, Android, and web), just select your groceries, choose delivery options, and checkout. It’s fast, simple, and convenient… plus no need to get out of my pajamas!
Local community shoppers bring you your groceries as soon as one hour after your order. If the order is over $35, the delivery is free. For my area of service, the shopping is done at Publix. I stocked up on my sick bed cravings and then a few essentials that we needed like milk and frozen pizza that my hubs can make for the kids while I’m out of service.
And, now that I’ve got what I need I’m hoping to get back out into the real world soon. Until then, I’ll be slurping my noodle soup and catching up on all five seasons of Catfish.
Trust me, this is a service you want to give a go. Click here to see if the service is available near you.
And just so you have it… here’s my Feel Better Noodle Soup. It’s divine when your throat hurts and you don’t feel like eating. (Which is a sign I know I’m really sick!)
Feel Better Noodle Soup
Want to try Shipt for yourself? Use this code to get $10 off your groceries and two free weeks of membership. You’re welcome! 🙂
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