Miss us? The Charter Chiquita Moms? Can you believe it’s been another week? Now that the kids are out of school I feel like time is moving even faster, if that’s possible. I’m hoping that we’ll get into a routine soon, and once that happens hit up some summer movies. Many local cinemas are hosting children’s movies for $1. I’ve collected the links to the locations, dates times, and movie selections in my post!
Whether you make it to a movie with your little one this summer or not, you’ll no doubt be creating memories with your children, making new family traditions, and making big decisions that effect you, your children and the community around you. Natalie and Tricia both wrote great posts about these topics, that you’ll want to check out.
And, what would a Chiquita Mom be without a Chiquita banana every now and then? Angie has a great no-bake Chiquita banana cookie recipe (I’ll be making these for our trip to the beach!) and Vanessa has an uber-crafty snack-and-craft-in-one! (Where’s that darn umlaut symbol when you need it?!?) That girl always has something up her sleeve. Oh, to be a kid in that house!
Hope you all are enjoying your early days of summer,
[…] I’m always amazed but what others can do. Michele’s Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies and Chemeeka’s Apple Cider Glazed Doughnut recipe make me think I should put on an apron and […]