Love going out to dinner with your kids? Yeah, me neither. Wrestling babies and toddlers mid-meal in public does not a fun evening make. If you want to have a nice meal with your kids, try a family date night. I’ve put together a great menu that’s simple to make and will please all palates. Check it out!
Perhaps while you’re in the kitchen making your family date night dinner, you’ll also make some lifetime memories for your kids. It happened to Vanessa, my fellow Charter Chiquita Mom. You won’t want to miss her story about making tortillas with her Grandmother.
Angie shared a great story this week about keeping spontaneity in our lives even when we try to keep “routine” and plan everything. Sometimes the best things in life are the ones that we allow to happen when we least expect it. Crabs anyone?
If you’ve been following the Chiquita Moms for awhile now, you won’t forget Tricia’s commitment early on to kick caffeine to the curb. It’s not been easy, especially with the temptation of sweet tea. See how she’s doing on her caffeine free journey!
Finally, I’m wrapping this up, not because I don’t want to continue to rave about my fellow mom-bloggers and the awesome-ness that is, but because I’m on…. Family Vacation! Yep, it’s fun. Yep, it’s stressful. And yep, I’m pretty excited about getting home so my crabby baby can get some rest in his crib. Perhaps I should’ve taken notes from Natalie about being ready for a family vacation???
Hope you all are having a great week, and catch you soon!
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