Yesterday, in my “I’m oh-so-stressed” blog post, I alluded to a fitness challenge that I accepted with one of my good friends. It’s a challenge that’s not new to me, but is in fact challenging every time. I’ve committed to running 100 miles in the month of May.
Sure, if you break it down by day, it’s only 3.25 miles. But that’s assuming that you will not miss a single day. Miss one? And now you’re up to over 4 miles for 6 days a week. You see where I’m going with this right? Yeah, I’m going to be running a lot this month.
I accepted the challenge for several reasons. 1) I’ve been in a running rut. 2) I feel like the winter was somewhat cruel and so I drank and ate my way through it. Hence a few extra pounds. 3) I can’t turn down a challenge. 4) I’m hoping that I’ll motivate others to do the same.
Yep. So here’s the deal. Let’s consider May and June training months. I’m going to run 100 miles (because I already promised I would) this month. I’ll be your guinea pig. I’ll track my weight, my body fat percentage (yikes), my pace and my distance. I don’t diet. I won’t diet. I’m going to keep training in June, and you can to. Then in July???? We’re all going to run 100 miles that month. It’s gonna be one big ‘ol 100 Mile Mom Challenge. Dig it? I do! If you’re new to running, no biggie. Crawl it. Walk it. Jog it. Just move your body. Do two miles in the morning. Two miles in the afternoon. Do what works for you, your fitness level and your schedule.
For those that participate we’re gonna have great prizes and giveaways. So, here’s your warning. Get training. I’ll be giving you my week-by-week updates in May with my weight, body fat, miles, and pace updates. Hopefully, I’ll improve in all areas, but you never know. At least this way when you embark on the same challenge, you’ll have an idea of what to expect.
See you on the greenway!
Beginning Stats:
Weight: 123.4 lbs.
Body Fat: 25.2% (as measured by scale, not that fat pincher device that gives me nightmares)
BMI: 18.8
Standard Pace: 10.08/mi. without jogger
Most Recent 5k Pace: 30:21 minutes
Most Single Distance Run in last 6 weeks: 5.1 miles
Now, I had intended to post this on May 1st. Well, it’s not May 1st, so yes I have been running. I’ll give you my Week 1 Stats on the 7th or 8th. Wish me luck!
I have some questions for you. Is the motivator to get fit? Lose weight? Be healthy? Any or all? I’d like to see it opened up to be more inclusive to everyone’s goals. What is your specific “100 mile challenge”? Maybe for some it is to be more active and their challenge is just to exercise every single day for a month. For beginners, this is an incredible change where running 3+miles a day may be beyond their reach and discouraging. Is your personal challenge to be more aware of a healthy lifestyle? How about not eating any junk food or desserts for a month. This may be eye opening and life altering for some. And other choices exist as well. I would just like to see this challenge be something that is encouraging and helps us all reach our goals in a healthy manner, with maybe some healthy competition for those who are inspired by that sort of thing 😉
Hey lady – the 100 Mile Challenge is to move your butt 100 miles in the month of July. Hopefully with two months notice we can start building to a jog/walk balance for those that are wanting to embark on the journey with us. For me, the challenge is just what it is… a challenge. I hope to be re-inspired to continue running and stay healthy. But, for anyone else it can be to lose weight, be healthy, improve running/distance and pace…. whatever!