Month three on Weight Watchers posed some challenges. In fact, one week I decided that I needed a break from the non-stop tracking. I didn’t go crazy eating though, I just didn’t track for that week but went with a mental sense of what I should and shouldn’t eat – and isn’t that the point of a lifestyle change like this? That week I lost about 1 pound, but I felt any loss was a win.
Weight watchers is work, but I’m finding that the work is worth the rewards. I feel like I want to randomly break out in dance (so if you see some crazy lady dancing in the aisles of Target it’s probably me), and get down on the floor with my kids – I feel lighter on my feet (because I am) and I’m really feeling my body and the power in my body. I’m also noticing changes in the mirror and in my clothes.
This month I worked out a lot. I would drop my daughter off at pre-school and hit the YMCA. There was a great booty-shakin hip-hop dance class on Mondays, a knock me down and out intervals class on Tuesday, and a high energy Zumba class on Wednesday that I rotated through. I pretty much rested or took walks the rest of the days. I was feeling the work outs from head to toe. I also worked out at home on my dance pole which has helped me improve my upper body strength. I even ‘taught’ an intro to pole dance class for some friends in my home – which was a lot of fun, but even more laughs. I was excited I was able to do some core strength moves I hadn’t been able to do before.
I felt really frustrated for portions of this month because the weight was coming off SO SLOWLY – or at least it felt that way for all the extra work I was putting in at the gym.
Ultimately in my last month I lost an additional eight pounds for a total of 30 lbs in three months. I did it. Not only did I lose the baby #2 weight, but I lost the amount of weight my son weighs! I let that sink in and have felt very accomplished. However, there is MUCH work to still be done and more weight to be lost. Each day is a process – and some days feel like a battle. I’m glad I have my arsenal of helpful Weight Watchers tools, facebook support groups and my wonderful family to support me in my goals.
Here is my before and after three months picture. Not a huge difference, but I’m noticing a change and that’s the most important part for me.
Now I have to pay out of pocket for weight watchers and I’m all signed up and ready to go. I’m paying a total of $65 for the first 3 months of online only access, which in my opinion is a bargain!
I’m planning to continue to blog about my weight loss experience, because it’s a great way to keep me accountable. I also want to show that I’m no one special – and that anyone can work toward their weight loss goals with the right helpful tools.
Weight Watchers Disclosure: People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. Disclosure: I have received a free 3-month pass to experience Weight Watchers online. I am not being paid to use or endorse Weight Watchers and thoughts are my own.
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