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Let it be known! These are the pancakes your family will be begging for. Make weekend breakfasts special with the recipe for White Chocolate Cranberry Pancakes with White Chocolate Sauce.
My husband pretty much stays out of the kitchen during. It’s my domain. With the exception of breakfast, then he’s the star. The hubs has graciously accepted the role of getting the kids out of the house on weekday mornings with full bellies, and he’s also been making homemade waffles for them on the weekend. He’s a rock star.
On occasion, however, I like to remind the kids that I am also able to arise for breakfast, and when I do, I like to make pancakes. And, since I have such steep breakfast competition, I like to go all-out. What I love about this White Chocolate Cranberry Pancakes with White Chocolate Sauce recipe is it look so super-fancy, it incorporates some of my children’s favorite flavors, and they are easy-peasy to make with Aunt Jemima Mix and very few ingredients.
Whip up a double-batch and you have extras to freeze during the week or to serve when you have company over the holidays!
Starting with Aunt Jemima Original Mix, and the addition of white chocolate chips and cranberries, prepare and cook your pancakes according to package directions.
While your pancakes cook, make the white chocolate sauce, which when drizzled in combination with Aunt Jemima Syrup is a match made in heaven!
I dare you not to lick the plate when you finish off these pancakes. They are breakfast perfection!
White Chocolate Cranberry Pancakes with White Chocolate Sauce
Grab all of your ingredients for this delicious family breakfast on your next trip to Walmart! So how many batches will you be making this weekend?
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