Today, I’m a little stressed out. It was so nice to have The Hubs home for an extra day this week, but it means one less day for me to get my weekly tasks complete. I’m cleaning, grocery shopping, folding laundry, and toting the kids around town. What I’m not doing is finding a lot of time (or inspiration) to write.
The silver lining? Tomorrow is Friday. Bring on the weekend! Bring on the Beer’garitas, my new at-home Happy Hour cocktail. If you find yourself needing to de-stress a little with friends this weekend, may I interest you in a little adult beverage? If so, here’s the oh-so-simple recipe, courtesy of my new favorite source for recipes, Southern Living. They never steer me in a wrong direction!
Mix: (1) 12 oz. can of thawed Frozen Limeade, 2 bottles of beer (I chose Corona light), and 1 ½ cups of tequila. Yes, you read that correctly. Stir ingredients and serve over ice.
P.S. You know the saying, “Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, in the clear?” That was my college mantra. And it was also probably made up by a non-drinker who likes to rhyme. My point is, don’t stress about combining the liquor and the beer. Just don’t drink too much. Or if you do, remember where your ibuprofen stash is.
Thanks for sharing!