“How much time do you spend in the cooking in the kitchen everyday?” and, “How much do you spend on groceries?”
Sometimes I get asked…
“What’s a meal plan look like for you for a week?” and, “Do your kids eat what you cook?”
Occasionally people ask…
“Can I have that recipe?” and, “Can I come over for dinner?”
So this upcoming week, I’ll be providing the answers. First, I’ll share a 5-day meal plan and a little extra bonus treat. You’ll get the recipes for entrees and side dishes, as well as a grocery list. I’ll let you know how much the items cost me at the grocery store and will document how long each item takes me to prepare. I’ll even share how everything goes over with the three-year-old. Oh, and yes, if you bring a bottle of wine, you can come over for dinner. 🙂
A look at what’s ahead:
A delish chicken dish starring an odd ingredient, a vegetarian meal that will make you forget there’s no meat, one-heck-of-a pasta dish, and a grown-up version of peanut butter and jelly with apple juice. You’ll want to invite some friends over for that one. Your adult friends.
I’ll provide the menu and grocery list on Sunday so you can start preparation for the week! And before you ask, sorry but no, I will not do the grocery shopping for you.
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