A way’s back, I used to post a “What’s Trending in the Harding House” series. I think it was more fun for me than it was for you. But, it’s been awhile, so who knows…. maybe you’ll find a new favorite thing too. A lot of my new favorites tie back to our #Organizedin2013 theme for this year. I’m cleaning out, keeping what means most and replacing what’s seen better days. And yes, it had been seven years since the dog had gotten a new bed. Sorry Molly.
As I said, a lot of these have to do with the home. But, all of it has a hint of organization to it. Even the slippers. Bear with me as I explain. In 2012, I would have thought, “My feet are cold. Darn my feet are cold. I’ll put on my slippers. Too bad the toes are worn out. I should buy some new ones. One day.” Well, in #Organizedin2013, I just buy them. If I have old slippers and my feet are cold, I go on Amazon Prime and just order some darn slippers. I never said this year was frugal. Efficient and organized are the words for the year.
So here’s why I added what I did to my list and where you can get said goodies:
1) As I mentioned, the dog bed needed to be replaced. It was pounded down to paper-thin uselessness, and sadly Molly is no puppy. I spent about two hours on Etsy, Overstock.com, and every Pet Store website before finding the pillow that I thought fit Molly’s need for cuddle and my need for style. Now, I know it’s just a dog bed, but the darn things sits out smack-dab in the middle of the living room. May as well look good! Here’s the shop where I got mine from: http://www.etsy.com/shop/TheOliveCrow
2) Speaking of dogs, yes I have one. Plus, two young boys and a dude up in here. Which means on occasion, there’s some stink in this house. I’m so tired of my house smelling of wet dog and dirty diapers. So, I got some mighty-strong oil-reed diffusers that were attractive enough to stand center-stage on the dining room table. Mine are from Target.
3) Yep, you guessed it! I got the darn slippers. Two pair, ‘cuz you know… your slippers gotta match your pj’s. OK, really I got two pairs because I’m usually too lazy to put on real shoes to go get the mail (even if it’s raining), so sometimes my slippers get wet and I need the back up pair. But, I especially love these Dearfoam slippers pictured above. They’re from Amazon.
4) During a Time and Toss event during week two of #Organizedin2013, I tossed about a dozen ratty hand towels so I grabbed some new ones on my last Target run. It’s funny how something so simple (and inexpensive) can really brighten a room up.
5) We don’t have one of those handy-dandy soap dispensers in the sink, so I’ve been storing the dish soap under the sink. Which, is kind of a lie. ‘Cause it really lives next to the sink until I get around to putting it away. Then I end up pulling it out five minutes later and the cycle repeats itself. So, I bought a pretty little container at Home Goods, and I think the situation is much improved.
6) Finally, the book light. This bad boy is a relationship improver. I’m a reader, my husband is a sleeper. He doesn’t want the lights on, and I can’t blame him. So I’d read on the couch, and inevitably fall asleep out there. Now, we go to bed together, and I read by the SUPER bright (but contained) light of this little guy. Worth every penny.
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