If y’all saw the giveaway I shared yesterday about Block & Grinder, or follow my Menus on Mondays series, you know… I’m big on happy meats and using local, organic produce. Thankfully, both are easy to come by these days with the awesome selection of grocery stores and farmers markets available in Charlotte. One of my go-to stores is Earth Fare, so I was pleasantly surprised when the sent me the opportunity to share a giveaway with y’all. Even better? The new initiative to get involved in the community in which they have stores.
Local produce. Giving back to the local commuity. Win. Win.
Earth Fare, the healthy supermarket, has launched a new community-focused website at http://www.EarthFare.com with a focus on bringing communities together to fuel health and earn rewards for reaching common goals.
Although ambitious, the goals they have laid out involve:
- 70,000 Likes on Facebook
- 200,000 Tomato Bank Members
- 25,000 Visits to Burgers for Bucks
Check out this week’s special offer! Customers that visit the website and join the campaign on or before April 28, 2013 will receive a coupon for a free 1/2 pound of chicken salad with $10 purchase! Perfect for a picnic. Not a picket. Yeah, I actually watched the video. You can skip it though. I just spoiled it for you.
And, just because we love you, enter the giveaway below for a chance to win a $25 Earth Fare gift card from MomFavorites.com and Earth Fare. It just keeps getting better, doesn’t it?
P.S. I did some digging on the Earth Fare website and found this great list of ingredients that Earth Fare has banned. I plan to get familiar with it so I know what items to “Boot” from my pantry! https://www.earthfare.com/~/media/V3/Files/Boot%20List/9-7_New%20Boot%20List.pdf
I’ve never shopped there before…I’d love to see what it is all about now that my baby is starting to eat finger foods! Need to start him off right!!
Absolutely! And I miss it every day since I’ve moved. Fingers crossed I’ll be back for good soon 😉
I Love Earthfare and their great incentive deals!
Love Earth Fare! Especially the bakery, and the personal care sections, although the cheese section runs a close third!
Went in a couple years back looked amazing and would really love some motivation to go back for a real trip
The kids loved Earth Fare meals and I am a sucker for her yummy sandwiches along with all the other organic products. Will be great to win this one!
No, I have not