{Don’t forget to comment below – what are your 2015 resolutions?}
I don’t know about y’all, but today and this week, really, is all about getting back into routines. Old ones and new ones.
I’ve promised to find a healthier work-life balance. I’ve vowed to lose my baby weight and keep it off. I want to see more of my friends, spend time with my husband, and appreciate life. Sounds like a lot, right? ‘Tis true. But, totally manageable. I think…
To that end, I’ve hit the road running. Literally. I made a big purchase this week – my first ever (and hopefully last ever) treadmill. It should get here next week, and I’m really super-excited about it. I miss running. In the meantime, I’m hitting up my elliptical and I’ve scheduled my first meeting with a personal trainer for tomorrow. I’m sure I’ll be crazy sore on Wednesday. But, good-sore. Ya know?
Making time for working out makes me realize that I can make time for my kids the same way. By scheduling it into my day. I’m writing down thirty minutes of play smack in the middle of the work day on my calendar. No conference calls. No emails. That’s time for train tables and Mega Marble Run. Yep, you can tell I have boys!
My husband and I have a tough time getting time together, but today I began researching the ten year anniversary trip my husband and I plan to take in May. Any suggestions? Someplace far, far away… where the kids and email can’t reach us. In the meantime, we’ve booked a sitter for twice-a-month date nights.
Time is precious. Oh. so. precious. Especially, for a work-at-home mom. Every single minute is packed (as you can tell!) with work, work outs, and play. And as this year doesn’t promise to be any slower than last, I’m gearing up for a non-stop ride.
I have a few life-savers that keep me going – my protein bars that I can eat on-the-go for breakfast, dried fruits (pre-measured into little baggies to curb my mindless eating), and a new favorite – Campbell’s Slow Kettle Soups, which I picked up on my last trip to Target.
They’re great for busy in-front-of-the-computer lunching.
Or for savoring over a mini lunch-break… Hearty soup, a magazine, a little quiet while the kids are at school… I do a little of both, but usually it’s the former. Sigh.
The only challenge? Which one? Both of the ones I’ve tried (Southwest-Style Chicken Chili with Beans and the Kickin’ Crab & Sweet Corn Chowder) were delish. Bonus points ’cause I knew and could pronounce each ingredient on the label. Budgeting this year? Grab this coupon for 75 cents off any one Campbell’s Slow Kettle Soup!
Now, it’s your turn – how are you kicking off 2015? What are your goals? I’m considering creating a mini Facebook group for anyone wanting to shed a few pounds in the next few months. Comment below if interested!
Well after we ended up taking our kids WITH us on our 10 year anniversary honeymoon, I vow to have one lunch, one breakfast and one dinner with my husband alone this year. That’s one for the whole year. And also to take them with us somewhere equally fantastic again this year. To see wonders through kids eyes, and to see wonders all around you, while all of those around you are all admiring the wonder of your kids, well, it is to know a blessing!! Happy 2015! Best wishes 🙂
Where’d you take them???
We went to SF. We have been before but experienced it in a whole new way with kids. It was amazing! Happy anniversary :o)
We went to Bermuda for our ten-year……amazing! Highly recommended, even in winter!
Sounds awesome!
January is one of the coldest and gloomiest in my area (Wisconsin), so I used to really dread it. But lately, I have really been relishing the hope, optimism and energy of a brand new year. My three-fold resolutions for 2015: get organized, for real, separate my work and personal stuff, improve my boundaries and simply my life; strengthen my energy-giving relationships, nurture my friendships old & new, really be present when I am with my young adult children, forgive my friends for past hurts and move on; be mindful of my thoughts and less reactive to my negative feelings. Here’s to keeping these going for all of 2015.
I vow to make more time with my kids. And I am stocking up on these for easy lunches! #client
I am definitely planning on shedding some pounds this year! I’ve started, as of Monday, and I already feel so much better.
I’ve found that I NEED portion control. That Southwest-Style Chicken Chili with Beans looks delicious, and the package itself takes care of portion control (score!). It also looks heavenly. 🙂