There’s nothing so desperate as a new mom. It’s why there are entire super stores dedicated to all things baby. If a gadget, an appliance or a new way of life will help you get even one more minute of sleep or keep your new “bundle of joy” from screaming, you’ll do it. You’ll buy it. You’ll try anything.
How do I know? Because I’m a mom of three. Sure, the first two were what you’d call “easy” babies. But James, or most recent addition at the ripe old age of five months, has been a challenge. That child has put us through the ringer, and we have tried just about everything in the book to soothe him and help him sleep.
In these desperate moments are when I’ve often asked myself: why isn’t there a….
Portable gizmo thingy (I know that sounds sooo professional) that you can put under the baby’s car seat to turn it into a portable rocker. Think old school wedge doorstop that goes up and down that you can put under the car seat base. I mean, so simple, right?
Or how ’bout an umbrella stroller attachment for mom? Sure, there are endless options to keep baby dry. But try and push a stroller when it’s raining and hold an umbrella to keep you dry? Forget about it. Why every stroller doesn’t come with this just blows. my. mind.
Oh, and then why isn’t there a nursing bra that comes with a little built in clip so that you know what side you nursed on most recently? Duh.
I know you’ve got some ideas, too. Could they be the next big thing? Who knows!
Who knew that Sophie the Giraffe would be the “it” item. And, I bet several moms thought about coming up with baby toys that were just the tags before “Taggies” became a thing. I’m still working out the details of my portable wedge rocker (don’t steal my idea, y’all). What mom inventions do you have brewing around in your muddled mom-brain?
Talk through your ideas with a few friends and consider taking the first steps to turning your dream into a reality by submitting your idea through, a crowdfunding platform specifically for moms. In addition to raising capital for projects, MUMZY™ provides a community with project-specific resources to ensure once an idea has reached its funding goals, you have the tools you need to keep the momentum of your idea moving.
Be one of the first people to join the MUMZY™ community by posting a project or helping to fund one you believe in. Even better? One of the first 100 people to post a project will have the opportunity to win $1,000 towards their project’s funding goal!
So let’s here it! What’s your big idea? Or what do you wish someone would create so you could buy it?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
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