This post is sponsored by the Pet Care promotion at Publix. The opinions and text are all mine.
Our Pet Emergency Kit ensures you’re prepared for a disaster (pandemic-included) when you have pets.
Meet Hank. He’s my kids’ favorite member of the family. Yes, favorite. I think I may come in a close 2nd or 3rd depending on the day. So, when we talked about making sure we had everything we needed in case of a hurricane, global pandemic, or swarm of locusts, we were pretty thorough.
I’ve always had a Hurricane Emergency Kit. I was a kid when my hometown got destroyed by Hurricane Hugo. So, every year I make sure I have fresh gallons of water, batteries, flashlights, some emergency foodstuffs, a tarp, and a first aid kit.
Now that I’m a little more educated in modern emergencies, I’ve also now stocked that Emergency Kit with hand sanitizer and toilet paper. Right?!?
It wasn’t until 2020 that I took to heart the meaning of being prepared. If there’s something you need or use on a regular basis, you need to have extras of it… just in case. And when it comes to preparing for the worst, you have to remember to take care of your four-legged friends.
Where to Shop for your Pet Emergency Kit Supplies
Our first stop was to place an order at Publix, which has everything I need for my pet. Be sure to pick up the 10/10/20 Extra Savings Flyer at the store (if you don’t see it at the kiosk in the front of the store, customer service has ’em) or online which highlights the huge Pet Care promotion for some big $$$ savings through 10/23/20!
We scored some of Hank’s dog food on sale and some of his favorite treats including Pedigree Dentastix Treats, Three Dog Bakery Treats, and Nylabone Natural Nubz Edible Dog Chews. Look for the at-shelf signs in the pet aisle which highlight the sale items.
Don’t forget to pick up a toy or two (if your guy is a chewer like ours), bottled water (if you don’t have it already in an emergency kit already), and extra medications for your pup if they take any. We also got a collapsible water bowl, you know, ’cause he’s loved.
How to Prepare your Pet Emergency Kit Supplies
Get a large see-through tub large enough to store your supplies. Make sure each package is sealed by the manufacturer. Otherwise, be sure to vacuum-seal each item.
You want each item to stay fresh; you certainly don’t want to be in an emergency situation to find ants in everything! Since we buy Hank’s dog food in 30 lb. bags, we vacuum-sealed five days worth of food.
If you already have an emergency supply kit for your human family, store this one next to it, so everything is together. Ensuring everything is water-tight is also a good idea. We learned that the hard way thanks to Hurricane Dorian in 2019.
What Else Should You Do?
- Microchip your pet! The tiny chip is implanted under their skin so if they lose their collar, vets, shelters and rescues can scan it for your contact information.
- It’s also a good idea to get your pet comfortable in a crate before disaster strikes.
- Finally, if you live in a particularly high-risk area (floods, tornadoes, fires, you know the drill), do some advance research to find friends, family, hotels, or shelters that will take you and your pets in case of emergency.
It’s Time To Make a Pet Emergency Kit
Be sure to head to Publix before 10/23/20 for the Pet Care promotion. What will you be stocking up on for your Pet Emergency Kit?
Looking for more helpful tips for furry friends? We’ve got the skinny on how to get your pet ready for baby, and a few helpful safety tips for dogs here.
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